Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Agus Zen Mutaqin
Dairy and Beverage Engineering Practitioner
Sifat termal sangat menentukan terhadap perhitungan proses yang dikenakan pada produk pangan tersebut seperti waktu pengolahan, konsumsi energi, perpindahan panas, dan berbagai batasan saat dilakukan produksi secara massal. Proses pengolahan pangan secara termal dapat dilakukan berupa proses pengeringan, pemanasan, pendinginan, pembekuan, sterilisasi, pasteurisasi dan lain-lain. Sifat termal pangan akan menentukan kebutuhan energi dalam proses pengolahan, tentunya akan semakin besar saat dilakukan secara massal.
Salah satu metode prediksi sifat termal pangan adalah dengan menghitung sifat termal dari konstituen pembentuknya. Konstituen pembentuknya adalah kandungan air, protein, lemak, karbohidrat, serat dan abu.
Sifat Termal
Sifat termal yang diperlukan dalam proses perhitungan termal kemampuan hantar panas (kJ/kgoC), massa jenis (kg/m3), konduktivitas panas (W/mK), divusivitas panas (m2/s). Untuk melakukan perhitungan bilangan termal tanpa satuan seperti bilangan Pranditl, bilangan Nusselt dan lain-lain merupakan hasil dari perhitungan sifat-sifat termal pangan tersebut.
Persamaan yang digunakan dalam metode ini adalah sebagai berikut

Persamaan diatas berlaku untuk interval suhu -40 oC < t < 150 oC
Untuk menghitung pengaruh kandungan air terhadap sifat termal digunakan persamaan sebagai berikut
Persamaan diatas berlaku untuk interval suhu -40 oC < t < 150 oC
Semua persamaan diatas telah disederhanakan untuk proses perhitungan dengan memanfaatkan MS-Excell, dan menjadi sebagai berikut

Contoh perhitungan sebagai berikut
1.000 liter susu segar sapi akan didinginkan dari suhu 30 oC ke 4 oC dengan tujuan untuk menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri. Hitung daya yang dibutuhkan untuk mendinginkan susu segar sapi. Dalam waktu 10 menit.
Konstituen dari susu segar sapi adalah 87.69 % kandungan air, 3.28 % protein, 3.66 % lemak, 4.65 % karbohidrat, 0.72% abu dan serat 0%,

Maka diperoleh kemampuan hantar panas, Cp = 3.88 kJ/kg.oC sehingga daya yang dibutuhkan untuk mendinginkan adalah sebagai berikut

Metode pendekatan ini sangat mudah dan dapat menghemat waktu dalam proses perhitungan dan pengerjaan ulang setiap produk.

Metode perhitungan sifat termal pangan sangat dipengaruhi oleh konstituen pembentuk dari produk pagan sempurna. Konstituen tersebut adalah kandungan air, protein, lemak, serat, karbohidrat dan abu. Selain oleh konstituennya, sifat termal pangan sangat dipengaruhi oleh suhu konstituennya.
ASHRAE, 2002, ASHRAE Refrigeration Handbook (SI), Chapter 8, Thermal Properties of Food.

Note: Permintaan artikel secara lengkap dapat diajukan ke email saya. Saya minta maaf atas ketidaknyamanan dan keterbatasan dalam penyajian artikel ini. Segala saran untuk perbaikan sangat ditunggu.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Affordability of Dairy Product to Meet its Sustainabilty

Controllable cost is needed cost to produce product untill finish goods based on its quantity unit, like it per ton or per kg.
Globally, controllable cost have several important points. They are energy and utility, material cost,labor cost, overhead, quality, maintenance cost and depreciation.
1. Energy and utility is have contribute biggest to controllable cost. Beside its cost, energy and utility contribute environment. We need to manage correctly to reduce energy consumption.
2. Material is main contribution, it includes raw material and packaging material. But sometimes we need to keep material to find better material to reach best quality and food safetym
3. Labour cost is midle contribution to controllable cost. It includes manufacturing, direct, overheads and logistic. Shortcut management line from director to supervision can help reuduce the labour cost, and tightly hiring is could help to reducem
4. 0verheads is needed cost for production support and others operational in production.
5. Quality is needed cost for routine sampling, inspection and others quality relatedm
6. Maintenance cost is needed cost for preventive, corrective, predictive and development in overall maintenance related.
7. Depreciation is cost which related by ivestment for infrastructure, production equipments and other investment.
Proper technolgy selection can influences to sustainability of production, quality and food safety. Controllable is influenced by OEE of end to end line.


1. Danone Dairy Indonesia, as Senior Project Engineer, (May 2004 – February 2010)
a. Design extension line process for 2 lines processing and mixing, CIP station. It is erected and conducted in December 2005 and finish in January 2006
b. Design blow molding new extension line for two lines for capacity 1.000.000 bottles a day, include its utilities for chiller, compressor, and material auto loading
c. Design new factory include for process and mixing, utilities include chiller, compressor, clean water, water treatment plant, boiler and steam operation system, cooling storage for Bangladesh plant
d. Design and constructing new line for pouch packaging 2.5 TON/HOUR include PID design, Bill of Material, supervisory mechanical, piping and automation exclude civil. (IDR 2.0 BIO)
e. Design and constructing Fresh milk reception plant 41 TON capacity include PID design, Bill of Material, supervisory mechanical, piping and automation include civil (IDR 582 MIO)
f. Design and constructing Fresh milk incoming preheating capacity 10 TON/HOUR include PID design, Bill of Material, supervisory mechanical, piping and automation (IDR 180 MIO)
g. Design and constructing Choco pre cooling capacity 2.5 TON/HOUR include PID design, Bill of Material, supervisory mechanical, piping (IDR 210 MIO)
h. Redesign and constructing Choco plant capacity include PID design, Bill of Material, supervisory mechanical, piping (IDR 82 MIO)
i. Redesign product design for bottle 80 ML neck ring less and mold single cavity (IDR 432 MIO)
j. Supervisory AHU for 3rd Pouch machine (IDR 225 MIO).
k. Design and CAPEX preparation for Establishment Surabaya Plant (all factory facilities i.e boiler, compressor, cooling tower, chiller, building, land, LNG), this plant need to prepare budget about IDR 52.5 BIO
l. Design and CAPEX preparation for Establishment New Blow Molding Plant, this plant need to prepare budget about IDR 38 BIO
m. Design and CAPEX preparation for Establishment Mixture of last above 2 points, this plant need to prepare budget about IDR 22.5 BIO
n. Improvement of CIP system in Danone Dairy Indonesia to meet Danone Group Quality Chapter and AIB standart.
o. Design and CAPEX preparation for Establishment Mixture for Powder Filling Plant Extention in Danone Dairy Indonesia or Sari Husada in Jogjakarta this plant need to prepare budget about USD 250.000
p. Design and CAPEX preparation for Establishment Mixture for Pouch Filling Extention in Danone Dairy Indonesia, this plant need to prepare budget about IDR 5.7 BIO and have been installed and running well
q. Design and CAPEX preparation for Establishment Mixture for Prebiotic Dairy in Danone Dairy Indonesia, this plant need to prepare budget about IDR 4 BIO and will be installed in end of this month.
2. Garudafood Gunung Putri, Bogor, Dairy and Beverage Engineering Specialist as part of Manufacturing Services Division & Dairy